- Basically QINTAR was built on the blockchain strength of decentralization, easy to trade digital currency while maintaining safe trading and proper screening of funds to ensure system is not abused and is in line with the moral protocols and principles.
- All Transactions, activities, and dealings are all compliant with the Islamic principles (Shari’ah). This entails (but is not limited to) omitting dealings that include unethical products/services, alcohol, money laundry, unknown origins of funds, etc.
- The origin of the capital or the fund raises is legal, coming from bank accounts and checked by an KYC/AML Agency as the mixing of money legal and illegal, makes the whole thing illegal in Sharia Compliant low.
- The capital that created the ISL-Blockchain came from legal funds.
- All the products that will come out from ISL-blockchain will be morally acceptable and Sharia Compliant.
- ISL-Blockchain doesn’t take interest from anyone or from funding any projects that may happen in the future from a future coin or payment token.
- ISLBlockchain will never makes a fund or create a coin for a client that they might use this fund for illegal activities.
However; That doesn't mean that ISL Blockchain is only for Muslims, Sharia-compliant is for everyone, being ethical and being morally acceptable is a global thing, ISL-Blockchain is for everyone.
And that is why ISL-Blockchain has its own network, even though a lot of cryptocurrencies have good intentions for sure and have nothing to do with that , but ISL-Blockchain has to start new from scratch.
So, what is the solution of Qintar?
- Qintar cryptocurrency has a bank account in Switzerland
- Qintar guarantees high security and extremely safe
- Qintar is the digital currency that is KYC/AML compliant
- All Qintar initial buying is supervised by Finma (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority)
- Qintar has meticulous website auditing to ensure security and safety
- , and more..
Qintar believes that it has more chance to get legal approval by countries as a considerable number bans the use and trading with Cryptocurrency due to its risk of entailing unethical and illegal activities.