The price has remained completely stable and pegged to BTC. .002-.0025 or so.
There are big buy walls forming on BTC-e. Which indicates to me that people are about to take advantage of this low price.
As far as the difficulty swings go, it looks like they are flattening out a bit. I haven't seen the super low or the super high difficulty. It's staying relatively quiet.
Looks like the storm may have been weathered. Sure there's more work for the devs to do, but I'm not as worried about the survival of this coin anymore. It could use more miners though, especially since it's more profitable to mine TRC than BTC (on average more profitable. Sometimes it will dip slightly under.)
But see the threads
DEV has announced by email he is giving up? or something?
Dev just released a new version to fix the difficulty fluctuations an hour or so ago. That doesn't seem like giving up to me. I think what's being spread is FUD, just to try to lower the price so some can buy cheaper coins.