The court appointed lawyers/counsel for Quadriga's users are putting pressures on the official, Bill Blair and ask for an update if indeed exhumation will take place.
Here is the official documents:
A. Exhumation UpdateAs you know, on December 13, 2019, Representative Counsel sent a letter to the RCMP requesting an exhumation and autopsy of the alleged body of Gerald Cotten. Today, Representative Counsel issued a letter to the Honourable Bill Blair, Canadian Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, requesting an update on whether the RCMP will conduct an exhumation and postmortem autopsy on the alleged body of Gerald Cotten prior to Spring 2020.
Affected Users may contact Bill Blair, as publicly elected official responsible for the oversight of the RCMP, at [email protected] if they have further questions about the RCMP’s management of this file. Alternatively, contact your local Member of Parliament.