"The widow of the former CEO of QuadrigaCX, Jennifer Robertson, has been reported today to have made a statement via law firm, Stewart McKelvey, defending the intentions and actions of her husband, as well as her own..."
Death is always unfortunate but this example of Quadrigo Cx shows how important it is to make everything process driven and not people driven. Also it raises two very valid questions, let me explain those,
1. In a process driven environment no particular person owns a certain responsibility. Rather the responsibility are shared between pre-defined resources who are critical to the organization. Knowing a criticality of the entire company fund, why a contingency plan was not created?
2. While providing license to the exchange, why the local authority did not manadate an insurance requirement even after knowing the nature and risk of the crypto exchange business.
I don't know whether the death has been faked but such kind of situation could have been avoided with proper measures.