$0.159193 (53.78%)
0.00001943 BTC (56.24%)
0.00043615 ETH (55.14%)
Just in case, do not confuse ICO price with the first price traded. ICO was .04 $ for most people.
Can you explain a little bit more? I am really getting confused with all these discounts, ICO prices and first price traded. What is the difference between ICO price and first price traded? And is first price traded the one that we see in the beginning of the graph at coinmarketcap, or coinmarketcap shows the price at the moment the coin is added to the site?
Marketcap show the price (average I think) for markets. The ICO price is the price that the first buyers of the token paid. When the token gets listed the market fixes the price at which it is traded. Example: I bought QSP for .04 cents. It got listed in binance and people were willing to pay .08 (100% more), after a few days it is valued at .16 (400% more)...
Does that make sense?