
Topic: Quantum physics (Read 310 times)

Activity: 2128
Merit: 1884
Verified Bitcoin Hodler
December 08, 2022, 11:55:06 PM
nope that is not what the schrodinger's cat experiment was trying to explain
That's not the experiment I was referring to, those who believe that universe accidentally came to existence say that if you put an apple in a box, atoms of the apple rearrange so many times that eventually they get back together and form a fresh apple if you wait long enough.

It would seem to me that he is talking about Poincare Recurrence. Basically a physical concept of "If you made a monkey type on a keyboard for an infinite amount of time, at some point in time, the monkey would coincidentally type out any book that has ever been written." Except in this case, with conservative entropy systems returning to the initial state. Billions of years are not anywhere long enough to achieve this.

Here is a good read on the Poincare Recurrence:
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
December 08, 2022, 01:25:51 PM
i know you are trying to say that the universe cant have came to be from random acts. and that those saying it must be people that believe in magic.. but its those that think a magician made something appear that believe in magic

did you know there is no hard solid object at the atomic level. its just pure frequency waves spinning and either interfering, attracting,resisting and reflecting other waves to become certain things that cause forces which we feel as resistance/attraction or causes energy or light depending on the frequency

the frequency of majority of the wave clusters of billions* of waves, and how the react with each other is what we perceive as different types of atoms, molecules, vapours and solids

lets go back before the big bank.. there were no solids. just a vast space of waves(plasma)

with enough randomness of so many waves moving and colliding or reflecting, causing energy, light or force to become clusters to join to create waves of certain frequency affecting other certain waves. and they then clump together and fuse into tighter spirals of waves and such

still in plasma form way beyond the xray end speed waves beyond the frequency of sight and sound

which attract other waves over trillions of years which then form large clumps at slower frequencies less than the xray range, and into the visual spectrum range you can then see and feel the resistance or pull and see the light waves of..

repeat billions* of trillions of times  over billions of years

imagine it as like plasma(vapour) light waves of large size super super suns that attract into vapour(plasma) getting bigger and bigger and build up and the energy is centred so much that the energy has to escape. and BANG this massive explosive ball then explodes out into smaller balls

now sun size clumps of hot plasma explode out and over billions of years the energy dissipates the waves slow down and solidify(stop vibrating/spinning) in their clumps to then form what we see as solid planets, asteroids moons

the solids then start orbiting the large plasma balls(suns). and you start to call them solar systems

billions is not actual billions its such a large number there is no name for it. im just simplifying it down
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
December 08, 2022, 09:47:40 AM
nope that is not what the schrodinger's cat experiment was trying to explain
That's not the experiment I was referring to, those who believe that universe accidentally came to existence say that if you put an apple in a box, atoms of the apple rearrange so many times that eventually they get back together and form a fresh apple if you wait long enough.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
December 08, 2022, 02:56:39 AM
nope that is not what the schrodinger's cat experiment was trying to explain

it was that measuring something to then quantify a result is only as good as the ability, tool and time and method of measuring

where by if there was a box and no one can see in it. you cant measure what is happening thus you cant report if the animal is dead or not (even if reality is the cat did die in the box). its only when you open the box you find out and then report a result

its nothing about magic of changing the hour the cat physically died. its about being able to prove a death occured by changing when and how you could see the cat died. which changes your result proof record of death result

the cat if without a box would die at noon. .. in the box it stil died at noon. but because of the box. you cant see the death meaning you cant prove it or report it as witness until you open the box in the evening.

so when you open the draw of the box in the evening to a now decaying cat of many hours of decay. you now can prove and witness record the death. but scientifically you have to report the 'time of death' by your witness view. which then on a report shows as a time of death as the after noon(inaccurate, but its the only thing to go by without further proof)
it would then require other equipment to analyse the decaying corpse to get a real time of death to counter-argue the witness report of death as in the evening. to be proven as the real time of death at noon.. and thats the point

proofs are only as good as the equipment and witness used to measure it

quantum is about new method of measuring things

where the instrument of measurement affects the results

take quantum computers.
its not about aliens or multiverse theory of new earths.. its the same earth just measured differently

binary is 2D.. a logic gate of 2
quantum computers are 3D.. a gate of 4 or more
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
December 07, 2022, 01:37:01 PM
According to scientists if you put an apple in a box where nothing gets in or out, after some billions of years, at some point in time if you open the box you can actually see the apple as you left it.

My question is, can we open the box at some point in time to see a banana?
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