Here are some current stats and short script:
mkdir -p "$folder"
echo "============ Yobit ============"
wget -q -O "$folder/yobit-wallets.html" --load-cookies='yobit-2017-12-31.cookie' ''
file="$folder/yobit-wallet-stati-$( date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S' ).js"
sed -z 's|[\n\r]||g' "$folder/yobit-wallets.html" | sed -nr 's|.*arrsts = (\{[^}]*\};).*|\1|p' | sed "s|],'|],\n'|g" > "$file"
nTotal=$( 'grep' -o "'[123]'" "$file" | wc -l )
for (( i=1; i<=3; i++ )); do
s=$( sed -nr 's|.*arrstsi = \{.*'"'$i':'([^']*)'"'.*\}.*|\1|p' yobit-wallets.html )
n=$( grep -o "'$i'" "$file" | wc -l )
printf '% -20s% 6i (% 3i%%)\n' "$s" "$n" $(( n * 100 / nTotal ))
printf '% -20s% 6i\n' "Total" "$nTotal"
echo "============ HitBTC ============"
file="$folder/hitbtc-wallet-stati-$( date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S' ).js"
wget -q -O "$file" ''
nTotal=$( grep -o 'payinEnabled' "$file" | wc -l )
for s in 'payinEnabled' 'payoutEnabled' 'transferEnabled'; do
for b in 'true' 'false'; do
s2=$s; if [ "$b" == 'false' ]; then s2=$( echo "$s" | 'sed' 's|Enabled|Disabled|' ) ;fi
n=$( 'grep' -o "\"$s\":$b" "$file" | wc -l )
printf '% -20s% 6i (% 3i%%)\n' "$s2" "$n" $(( n * 100 / nTotal ))
printf '% -20s% 6i\n' "Total" "$nTotal"
And the output:
============ Yobit ============
Online 363 ( 32%)
Delayed 21 ( 1%)
Maintenance 719 ( 65%)
Total 1103
============ HitBTC ============
payinEnabled 207 ( 82%)
payinDisabled 44 ( 17%)
payoutEnabled 207 ( 82%)
payoutDisabled 44 ( 17%)
transferEnabled 231 ( 92%)
transferDisabled 20 ( 7%)
Total 251
I'd be happy to see anyone adding other exchanges to this script.