Why does Mastercoin have actual coins that you can "buy" that are unique to bitcoins? What is the function of these Mastercoins and why do they have value? How do I use them?
whereas coloredcoins doesn't? (from my understanding, "coloredcoins" are simply marked pre-existing BTC that allow separate functions using the bitcoin network/protocol and aren't, in the traditional sense, a separate "coin" like mastercoin is to bitcoin )?
I'm clearly way over my head here, and confused myself writing this.. can somebody shed some light? Much appreciated
IMHO, Mastercoin is a flawed implementation. If the miners aren't aware of the coins that are spent on a mastercoin transaction, then how do they prevent double spending?
If Mastercoin does not leverage Bitcoin to prevent double spending, then how exactly does it even work as a coin?
If you want something that leverages Bitcoin infrastructure, then consider LegitCoin.