I`m interested in Dice at the moment. Can you play the rollover and under dice game with less than 100 TRX. And mine fractions of the dice so instead of 1 dice you can mine half of that like 0.5 dice or 0.2 Dice
Thanks a lot for your help
OP is talking about dice token in Wink.org as it gives you dice token for gambling with trx on the dapp.
Yes you earn fraction of dice for any amount of bet. For example, at current round, you earn 1 dice for every 536 TRX you bet. So you'd get about 0.1 dice for 54 trx bet. The amount of dice mined is in proportion to the trx bet and doesn't depend on odds or any other metrics.
If you want to earn more dice, it's better to bet with low odds multiple times. The rate of generation of token keeps on decreasing with each round.
Yes that is exactly what I`m trying to do but I have another question. Say I have 200 DICE tokens or 10 DICE tokens. How much TRX will I get just off the dividents?