You can get more details at You should know by now that such interest is too good to be true, and there is no way they can keep the service if they continuously pay such a ridiculous amount (even a ponzi is not that crazy).
If you're interested in 10% interest for 7 days maybe direct P2P lending is the alternative.
I don't think 6% APY is ridiculous number (for company like binance)
Their source of funds is pretty clear (trading fees) and in combination with effort to motivate users keeping the funds on platform (which I think is the main drive) it's reasobale from the bussiness point of view.
To me much more risky are those, celsius etc. (where the source of funds is unclear ... probably it's lending but who knows)
The calculation you got from hosseinimr93 is correct, I will provide couple notes:
You will be paid every day (not just whole amount after those 7 days ).
The day you enter the funds are marked as subscription,next day they become active ( so your first pay comes 3rd day)
Here's how I roughly estimate what the rewards going to be (example 600 USDT, APY 6%):
600 x 6 \ 100
(result gives an amount you would earn keeping it whole year, to get daily reward divide it by 365, for monthly reward divide it by 12 ...)