--------- original reddit post ---------------
I am relatively new to Bitcoin (new to Reddit too), have learned a lot of Bitcoin and invested some money on Bitcoin. I just have a specific question about Bitcoin fork price. How is the initial price of the coins determined at fork? If Coin A with price 500 forks into Coin A and Coin B, does it get split in two, say two coins with the initial prices 200 and 300, or does the price gets duplicated, Coin A with price 500 and Coin B with Price 500? Or is the initial fork price completely arbitrary, theoretically ranging from 0 to zillion? Or does the developer of the the coins determine the initial fork price? Enlighten me please, Thanks!
Bitfinex has already started trading futures on it and current price indicates that the market expects a new forked coin to be worth $1,100. However, I still think the outcome of this is not clear enough to take that valuation seriously yet but it will be worth looking at nearer the time.