As some of you might know, the last couple of months, there was a rather big backlog of unconfirmed transactions in the mempool. As a result, the average fee per byte of transaction data rose significantly.
A lot of new (and sometimes longtime) members ended up paying way to low fees, or started to get messed up in an unconfirmed child/parent situation.
I've been trying to help, and finally realised nobody is interested in learning what they did wrong, they just want their problem fixed.
So, i created a thread offering free help: i have some experience in helping people getting their transaction into a block, i already knew which were the default things i should ask for, so i decided to ask for the following information from users that were experiencing slow confirmations:
- the transaction id
- wether or not you're the sender or the receiver (or both)
- which of the addresses used in the stsuck belong to your wallet (also list the change addresses). I can also work the other way around: in this case, tell me which address you were trying to fund
- which wallet software you're using
- acknowledge that your transaction is in my mempool (check requirement 2 ^^)
- acknowledge there's nothing "strange" going on with your transaction
- acknowledge you will rectify your situation, so that in the future you'll add sufficient fees... I will not help accelerate transactions for freeloaders that just keep cheaping out on the fees!!!
- if you tipped me, you can list the transaction id of the tip (not required)
Shortly thereafter, user
johnsmithx posted following reply:
What a great way to make stupid people publicly reveal their btc addresses, ownership, wallet software and other details. Excellent idea indeed. Big brother is surely very proud of you.
followed by a red tag on my account:
followed by putting me at the very top of his (locked) scammers list: know this sounds a bit butthurt... Maybe i am, i was trying to help the community, and i'm a bit p*ssd off to be accused of being a scammer... However, what i mainly wanted to ask the community: does anybody really see a problem with asking transaction id's, wallet addresses and which wallet is being used... Is this unsafe (i'm a rathere technical person, and i didn't see a problem with it, but maybe i'm missing something here), or is this guy just a super troll, or maybe an alt of somebody i couldn't help (just a theory toughà?