What will PayPal do if your transactions get reversed if you're at 0$, will they void other transfers, good purchases or gift cards bought?
Wouldn't this allow doing whatever you want with zero risk if you simply transferred all your money to another account as soon as you received it?
like Rappelz said, if someone does a chargeback to your paypal account and you have $0, your account will go negative (and fairly sure the money will go back to the other person). in effect you would owe paypal that money and your account would likely be frozen til you've cleared the funds back to zero. if your paypal acc is linked to your bank account they might even try to debit it to get their money back (assuming you set up a direct debit when you linked the account). if you dont clear the negative balance after a few weeks they will pass it onto a local debt collection agency.
Who will they pass it onto if I make a false account with no links to any of my real world details?
EG: I pay someone 20$ BTC for 20$ on Paypal. I buy a steam wallet card of 20$. The person who sold me the Paypal balance for 20$ charges back. What happens to the gift card I bought? Will Paypal try to follow it?
No bank account, credit card or debit card connected.
Ahh I get you, thought you were referring to a paypal account linked to your ID. As far as I know I don't think paypal would follow the money, the pp account would probably just go negative and that's it. For such a small amount of money it's not worth the hassle. If you're talking $100s or $1000's it might be a different story.