Yes, you can run multiple coins, specifying different -port (default 8333 for bitcoin) & -rpcport (defalt 8332).
If your daemon are using the same datadir (like Bitcoin Core & Bitcoin ABC, that are using $HOME/.bitcoin/ under linux/mac systems), you have to specify another one using -datadir.
Besides this, you're all good!
Thank you so much!
That is, they will not work on same port in any way?
If your first daemon is running on 8332/8333, and the 2nd on 9332/9333, obviously no, then won't work on the same ports.
The only way to use multiple daemon using the same ports is to use different IPs (you may want to run, say, X masternodes for testing on your own computer, you can use,, and make sure to bind the port only on one IP, dedicated on IP by daemon. Note that if you're using 127.x.x.x IPs that they are internal - called loopback - IPs, and they are not reachable by any other servers/computers).
The following settings is working:
$ mkdir /tmp/btc-testnet{1,2,3}
$ /opt/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -server -testnet -daemon -bind= -port=18333 -rpcbind= -rpcallowip= -datadir=/tmp/btc-testnet1
Bitcoin server starting
$ /opt/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -server -testnet -daemon -bind= -port=18333 -rpcbind= -rpcallowip= -datadir=/tmp/btc-testnet2
Bitcoin server starting
$ /opt/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -server -testnet -daemon -bind= -port=18333 -rpcbind= -rpcallowip= -datadir=/tmp/btc-testnet3
Bitcoin server starting
$ ps auxw|grep testnet
mycroft 31588 39.4 1.4 1416208 469844 ? Ssl 10:35 0:18 /opt/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -server -testnet -daemon -bind= -port=18333 -rpcbind= -rpcallowip= -datadir=/tmp/btc-testnet1
mycroft 31658 15.9 0.4 1056564 138540 ? Ssl 10:35 0:02 /opt/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -server -testnet -daemon -bind= -port=18333 -rpcbind= -rpcallowip= -datadir=/tmp/btc-testnet2
mycroft 31689 8.0 0.2 1054436 85972 ? Ssl 10:36 0:00 /opt/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -server -testnet -daemon -bind= -port=18333 -rpcbind= -rpcallowip= -datadir=/tmp/btc-testnet3
$ netstat -nap|grep -E "(31588|31658|31689)"|grep LISTEN
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 31689/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 31658/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 31588/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 31689/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 31658/bitcoind
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 31588/bitcoind
Note that you need to specify both rpcbind & rpcallowip, or it won't work. (rpcbind will be ignored if rpcallowip doesn't work).
If you want to use multiple daemon on the same hosts using the same external ports, you'll have to have multiple external ips (failover ip) binded on this host.