Its a bit big, but I can paste it up here if anyone is interested
I'm interested
OK, here it is. I did it mainly as a learning exercise, the code is almost all from so hat tip to jackjack.
# - print bitcoin addresses given hex private key
# As a bonus do brainwallet encoding too
# Incorporates code from ...
# jackjack's
import hashlib
# Code from for bas58 encoding
__b58chars = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
__b58base = len(__b58chars)
def b58encode(v):
""" encode v, which is a string of bytes, to base58.
long_value = 0L
for (i, c) in enumerate(v[::-1]):
long_value += (256**i) * ord(c)
result = ''
while long_value >= __b58base:
div, mod = divmod(long_value, __b58base)
result = __b58chars[mod] + result
long_value = div
result = __b58chars[long_value] + result
# Bitcoin does a little leading-zero-compression:
# leading 0-bytes in the input become leading-1s
nPad = 0
for c in v:
if c == '\0': nPad += 1
else: break
return (__b58chars[0]*nPad) + result
def b58decode(v, length):
""" decode v into a string of len bytes
long_value = 0L
for (i, c) in enumerate(v[::-1]):
long_value += __b58chars.find(c) * (__b58base**i)
result = ''
while long_value >= 256:
div, mod = divmod(long_value, 256)
result = chr(mod) + result
long_value = div
result = chr(long_value) + result
nPad = 0
for c in v:
if c == __b58chars[0]: nPad += 1
else: break
result = chr(0)*nPad + result
if length is not None and len(result) != length:
return None
return result
# end of bitcointools base58 implementation
# Actually this is also from
class CurveFp( object ):
def __init__( self, p, a, b ):
self.__p = p
self.__a = a
self.__b = b
def p( self ):
return self.__p
def a( self ):
return self.__a
def b( self ):
return self.__b
def contains_point( self, x, y ):
return ( y * y - ( x * x * x + self.__a * x + self.__b ) ) % self.__p == 0
class Point( object ):
def __init__( self, curve, x, y, order = None ):
self.__curve = curve
self.__x = x
self.__y = y
self.__order = order
if self.__curve: assert self.__curve.contains_point( x, y )
if order: assert self * order == INFINITY
def __add__( self, other ):
if other == INFINITY: return self
if self == INFINITY: return other
assert self.__curve == other.__curve
if self.__x == other.__x:
if ( self.__y + other.__y ) % self.__curve.p() == 0:
return self.double()
p = self.__curve.p()
l = ( ( other.__y - self.__y ) * \
inverse_mod( other.__x - self.__x, p ) ) % p
x3 = ( l * l - self.__x - other.__x ) % p
y3 = ( l * ( self.__x - x3 ) - self.__y ) % p
return Point( self.__curve, x3, y3 )
def __mul__( self, other ):
def leftmost_bit( x ):
assert x > 0
result = 1L
while result <= x: result = 2 * result
return result / 2
e = other
if self.__order: e = e % self.__order
if e == 0: return INFINITY
if self == INFINITY: return INFINITY
assert e > 0
e3 = 3 * e
negative_self = Point( self.__curve, self.__x, -self.__y, self.__order )
i = leftmost_bit( e3 ) / 2
result = self
while i > 1:
result = result.double()
if ( e3 & i ) != 0 and ( e & i ) == 0: result = result + self
if ( e3 & i ) == 0 and ( e & i ) != 0: result = result + negative_self
i = i / 2
return result
def __rmul__( self, other ):
return self * other
def __str__( self ):
if self == INFINITY: return "infinity"
return "(%d,%d)" % ( self.__x, self.__y )
def double( self ):
if self == INFINITY:
p = self.__curve.p()
a = self.__curve.a()
l = ( ( 3 * self.__x * self.__x + a ) * \
inverse_mod( 2 * self.__y, p ) ) % p
x3 = ( l * l - 2 * self.__x ) % p
y3 = ( l * ( self.__x - x3 ) - self.__y ) % p
return Point( self.__curve, x3, y3 )
def x( self ):
return self.__x
def y( self ):
return self.__y
def curve( self ):
return self.__curve
def order( self ):
return self.__order
INFINITY = Point( None, None, None )
def inverse_mod( a, m ):
if a < 0 or m <= a: a = a % m
c, d = a, m
uc, vc, ud, vd = 1, 0, 0, 1
while c != 0:
q, c, d = divmod( d, c ) + ( c, )
uc, vc, ud, vd = ud - q*uc, vd - q*vc, uc, vc
assert d == 1
if ud > 0: return ud
else: return ud + m
# secp256k1
_b = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007L
_a = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000L
_Gx = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798L
_Gy = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8L
class Signature( object ):
def __init__( self, r, s ):
self.r = r
self.s = s
class Public_key( object ):
def __init__( self, generator, point ):
self.curve = generator.curve()
self.generator = generator
self.point = point
n = generator.order()
if not n:
raise RuntimeError, "Generator point must have order."
if not n * point == INFINITY:
raise RuntimeError, "Generator point order is bad."
if point.x() < 0 or n <= point.x() or point.y() < 0 or n <= point.y():
raise RuntimeError, "Generator point has x or y out of range."
def verifies( self, hash, signature ):
G = self.generator
n = G.order()
r = signature.r
s = signature.s
if r < 1 or r > n-1: return False
if s < 1 or s > n-1: return False
c = inverse_mod( s, n )
u1 = ( hash * c ) % n
u2 = ( r * c ) % n
xy = u1 * G + u2 * self.point
v = xy.x() % n
return v == r
class Private_key( object ):
def __init__( self, public_key, secret_multiplier ):
self.public_key = public_key
self.secret_multiplier = secret_multiplier
def der( self ):
hex_der_key = '06052b8104000a30740201010420' + \
'%064x' % self.secret_multiplier + \
'a00706052b8104000aa14403420004' + \
'%064x' % self.public_key.point.x() + \
'%064x' % self.public_key.point.y()
return hex_der_key.decode('hex')
def sign( self, hash, random_k ):
G = self.public_key.generator
n = G.order()
k = random_k % n
p1 = k * G
r = p1.x()
if r == 0: raise RuntimeError, "amazingly unlucky random number r"
s = ( inverse_mod( k, n ) * \
( hash + ( self.secret_multiplier * r ) % n ) ) % n
if s == 0: raise RuntimeError, "amazingly unlucky random number s"
return Signature( r, s )
curve_256 = CurveFp( _p, _a, _b )
generator_256 = Point( curve_256, _Gx, _Gy, _r )
g = generator_256
def hexprivkey2addr(privkey_hex):
print privkey_hex, " priv key HEX"
# Encode the private key in WIF see
data_hex = "80" + privkey_hex
data_bin = data_hex.decode('hex')
hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data_bin).digest()).digest()
sha_hex = hash.encode('hex_codec')
step2_hex = data_hex + sha_hex[:8]
privkey = b58encode(step2_hex.decode('hex'))
print privkey, " private key WIF"
# Now print the compressed WIF private key
# appends 01 so try that ...
data_hex = "80" + privkey_hex + "01"
data_bin = data_hex.decode('hex')
hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data_bin).digest()).digest()
sha_hex = hash.encode('hex_codec')
step2_hex = data_hex + sha_hex[:8]
privkey = b58encode(step2_hex.decode('hex'))
print privkey, " private key WIF (comp)"
# ===========================================
# The next step is to convert to a public key
# ===========================================
secret = int(privkey_hex,16) # Need this as decimal number
# generate pubkey
pubkey = Public_key( g, g * secret )
# print 'pubkey', hex(pubkey.point.x()), hex(pubkey.point.y())
# This is clunky, there is probably a better way ...
x_hex = hex(pubkey.point.x())
x_hex = x_hex[2:] # Remove leading 0x
x_hex = x_hex[:-1] # Remove trailing L
# Pad with leading 0's to 64 chars...
x_hex = x_hex.zfill(64)
# print "x", x_hex
y_hex = hex(pubkey.point.y())
y_hex = y_hex[2:] # Remove leading 0x
y_hex = y_hex[:-1] # Remove trailing L
# Probably need to pad with leading 0's to 64 chars...
y_hex = y_hex.zfill(64)
# print "y", y_hex
pubkey_hex = "04" + x_hex + y_hex
print pubkey_hex, " public key"
# ==================
# Address generation
# ==================
pubkey = pubkey_hex
data_bin = pubkey.decode('hex')
# First step is a SHA256
data_bin = hashlib.sha256(data_bin).digest()
# Second step is RIPEMD160
hash ='ripemd160')
hash_digest = hash.digest()
hash_hex = hash.hexdigest()
print hash_hex + " uncompressed hash (pubkey)"
# Now encode the address
data_hex = "00" + hash_hex # 00 is version byte, could also be 05
data_bin = data_hex.decode('hex')
hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data_bin).digest()).digest()
sha_hex = hash.encode('hex_codec')
step2_hex = data_hex + sha_hex[:8]
print b58encode(step2_hex.decode('hex')), " address"
# ============================================================================================
# Now do the same for the COMPRESSED public key (see
# ============================================================================================
lastchar = pubkey[-2:]
val = lastchar.decode('hex')
if (ord(val)%2):
# print "odd"
xpubkey = "03" + pubkey[2:66]
# print "even"
xpubkey = "02" + pubkey[2:66]
print xpubkey + " comp pubkey"
data_bin = xpubkey.decode('hex')
# First step is a SHA256
data_bin = hashlib.sha256(data_bin).digest()
# Second step is RIPEMD160
hash ='ripemd160')
hash_digest = hash.digest()
hash_hex = hash.hexdigest() # Saves the encoding step
print hash_hex + " hash (compressed pubkey)"
# Now encode the address
data_hex = "00" + hash_hex # 00 is version byte, could also be 05
data_bin = data_hex.decode('hex')
hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data_bin).digest()).digest()
sha_hex = hash.encode('hex_codec')
step2_hex = data_hex + sha_hex[:8]
print b58encode(step2_hex.decode('hex')), " compressed address"
def brainwallet(keyphrase):
print "keyphrase=[" + keyphrase + "]"
privkey_bin = hashlib.sha256(keyphrase).digest() # Single sha256 (standard brain algorithm)
# privkey_bin = hashlib.sha256(privkey_bin).digest() # Double sha256 (not useful)
# privkey_hex = hashlib.sha256(keyphrase).hexdigest() # Can generate hex directly
privkey_hex = privkey_bin.encode('hex_codec') # Alternatively from bin
# ============================= main ==============================
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Examples
hexprivkey2addr("00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b6") # Has a 11 prefix address
brainwallet("correct horse battery staple")