Hi there,
im relatively new to the hole Bitcoin System and the Armory in specific.
Im just in the moment, where I have to choose a wallet - and I like Armory so far
My question belongs to the Paperbased backup: I have read, that a paperbackup covers ALL addresses you will create in your wallet - even after making the backup. But how is that technically possible? For my understanding, each time u receive bitcoins (to a new address of course) you will create a new set of private and public keys - and therefor they cant be covered in the "old" paperwallet.
Is it made by simply only using a single address so that each transaction will received with the same one?
Arent there any privecy problems?
Why does other wallets not offer these freature?
Im always happy for detailed answers as I try to accumulate new knowledge about every part of Bitcoins.
Thank you for your help