Bitcoin wins overwhelmingly already because the zero confirmation adequately propagated transaction itself has orders of magnitude less reversal risk than any existing pull-style instrument. The 10-minute block targeting time is irrelevant to ordinary point of sale transactions.
Paypass is just a frontend for normal credit card backend systems and has all the counterparty and fraud risk of any other system of that
nature. These systems "verify" quickly, but the merchant does not actually securely have the money until a lot longer than ten minutes!
The thing is then, we need to somehow make 0-confimation the norm. I remember reading how even BitPay allow their merchants to wait for several confirmations, the waitress staff don't understand it's a setting and it makes Bitcoin look like rubbish.
Also there is a lot of fear towards 0-confirmation at the moment, some guy on reddit says he can double spend a 0-confirmation at will with no issues.