Units filled BTC ?
Units total BTC ?
Actual rate ?
Cost / Proceeds
Can you be more specific and exlpain it in details, with examples (numbers) if possible
Hi, I'll try to answer, based on my knowledge, without opening Bittrex to double check.
Let's say that you want to sell coinX, 10 coins. Offers are 1 BTC from buyers and 2 BTC from sellers. You ask 1.5 BTC. An order is placed.
Let's say somebody buys 3 coins. That's the units filled, 3 of 10.
Since you wanted to sell 10 coins at 1.5 BTC each, units total is 15 BTC.
Actual rate is lower than 1.5 you asked per coin, since it calculates the exchange fees into it.
I think that Cost is how much you've earned until now: 3 x 1.5 - fees = something a little bit under 4.5 BTC.
It's similar if you buy something, but then Cost is negative.