I find more easy to trade at fixed fee.
Regards the fork ... I do agree with Andreas Antonopoulos (jump to 1 minute video ) ... a fork creates an artificial coin supply
Bitcoin Q&A: What happens to our bitcoins during a hard fork?
... ask to Zimbabwe what happens when you print more money ..
The Zimbabwe Lesson...
so do i have to hold bitcoin till 1st august? If i withdraw BTC from my address then how will i able to get BCC from the address where i holded ~2 btc?
Έτσι πρέπει να κρατήσω bitcoin μέχρι την 1η Aυγoύστoυ; Aν εγώ απoσύρω τo BTC από τη διεύθυνσή μoυ, τότε πώς θα μπoρώ να πάρω BCC από τη διεύθυνση όπoυ κρατoύσα ~ 2 btc;
It is your decision and you should do your own research in order to preserve your capital ...
On my side I am very much biased to follow the general advice.