I have a metamsk with both the ERC and the BSC chain set up. I want to buy elonspace and store it in my metamask. You buy it with BNB. If I buy the BNB on binance.us do I buy the black bsc or the yellow BNB to send to metamask. Is the swap to bsc done on the metmask side? I don't want to buy the wrong BNB and then not be able to swap it to bsc before or after.
I don't know which color represents the BEP-20 (BSC) or the native BNB chain because I don't use that exchange. One of the things you could do is find out the address format of the two by clicking on deposit on your BNB binance.use account. You should be able to see the deposit address after that. If it starts with
0X..., that's the BEP-20 (BSC). If it starts with
bnb....., that's for the native chain. You should know which one to buy.
Do I have to import a separate "bsc" address on metamask in order to see it or will it just turn into bsc?
No, one wallet is enough. All deposited bep-20 tokens will appear on your wallet. Some automatically like BNB (bep-20) while others need to be added manually like elonspace (most likely).