Okay.. guys.. I don't make up this story.. please calm down..
I just want to make sure before I spend thousands of dollars for retriving data from old hdd.
If I could retrieve this so called "private key" or whatever they emailed me, I probably be able to restore old bitcoin and could cashing it out. Am I correct?
I couldn't remember exact purchased date but I do remember that they opened bitcoin exchange market and I could saw bitcoin chart just after I bought it.
I remember bitcoin price jumped to nearly $1000 after they open exchange.
I just want to make sure the old bitcoin has value.
Your statement is kinda vague.
First, you said "there were no Bitcoin wallet in existence?" So, how did you store your Bitcoin from back then, when you received an email about Bitcoin address and password?
Then you forgot the date? Why don't you check your email and look for the date?
If I could remember Bitcoin began to hit $1,000 early in 2017. So, that's not long enough to forget.
Lastly, Bitcoin sure has value, whether it's old or new.
Some people thinks your just making a story, I hope you're not. Maybe you're just confused. Just try to be more clear precise.