Hi There,
I now have acces to a new warehouse, but the thing is that my incoming electricity is not 240V as i'm used to it, it's 550V....
How can you calculate how many rigs you can plug on that ?
How can I calculate what's the price of my Kw/H ?
I'm not sure to understand the Electricity company explainations:
Rate G
General rate for small-power customers
Back to base rates
Customers eligible for Rate G
Rate G applies to contracts with no billing demand or with a minimum billing demand of less than 65 kilowatts (kW).
In general, Rate G is advantageous for customers whose power demand does not exceed 50 kW. Approximately 90% of Hydro-Québec business customers are signed up for Rate G.
These explanations have been simplified. For more details about Rate G, consult section 1 of chapter 3 of the Electricity Rates, approved by the Régie de l’énergie.
Structure of Rate G
Billing for Rate G includes the following:
A fixed charge, i.e., an amount you pay for each period in question, even if you consume little or no energy. It is established on a monthly basis, but the amount billed varies slightly from one consumption period to the next based on the number of days in the period.
An amount for the energy in kilowatthours (kWh) consumed during the period in question. Two different prices apply depending on the amount of energy consumed:
a price for the first 15,090 kWh
a lower price for the remaining consumption
An amount for the power in kilowatts (kW) measured during the period in question, if the power demand exceeds 50 kilowatts (kW).
Rate G is a monthly rate, which means the fixed charge, the first-tier consumption limit and the amount billed for power are based on a 30-day period.
In general, the consumption period is about 1 month if there is a charge for billing demand, or about 2 months if there is no charge.
Learn more about your electricity rate
Rate G prices in effect
Fixed charge for a 30-day period, adjusted to the exact number of days in the consumption period in question $12.33
Price of energy
First 15,090 kilowatthours (kWh) 9.78¢/kWh
Remaining consumption 6.88¢/kWh
Price of power
First 50 kilowatts (kW) not billed
Power exceeding 50 kW $17.43/kW
Rates in effect as of April 1, 2017. This table does not replace the Electricity Rates document in any way whatsoever.
How to read your Rate G electricity bill
Switch to another rate
Automatic switch
Hydro-Québec will automatically switch you to Rate M or Rate G-9 if your total consumption is 100,000 kilowatthours (kWh) or more and if, given the rates in effect on April 1 of each year, applying the more advantageous of these rates would yield savings of at least 3% on your electricity bill in comparison to Rate G.
When your minimum billing demand reaches 65 kilowatts (kW), your contract is no longer eligible for Rate G. It automatically switches to Rate M or, if your load factor is less than 30%, to Rate G-9.
Request a switch
If you’ve been billed for power (power demand of 50 kW or more) at least once over the past 12 monthly periods, Rate M may be more advantageous for you.
If the load factor on your bill is usually below 30%, and your power demand is above 65 kW (a billing demand of 15 kW shows up in your consumption history) at least once during the past 12 monthly periods, Rate G-9 may be more advantageous for you.
If you think one of the situations above may apply to you, contact our Business customer services at 1 800 463-9900.
Planning any changes?
If you’re planning to buy new equipment, extend your business hours or enlarge or renovate your facility, your use of electricity could increase and it could then be to your advantage to switch to Rate M or G-9. Don’t hesitate to contact our Business customer services at 1 800 463-9900 for more information.
Other rates or rate options
If you have your own electricity-generating equipment and have a Rate G contract, the following option may be of interest to you.