
Topic: R9 380 moded bios (Read 145 times)

jr. member
Activity: 39
Merit: 2
March 03, 2018, 06:02:29 PM
Hello, any users here with R9 380 4GB ? I modify bioses 1 month ago with hex editor ( strings from rx470 at 1500Mhz and 1625Mhz ) and work fine, about 22.6 mh/s on ETH . From few hrs, one of my card stop mining, after 2 min from start sgminer ( is declared DEAD ) . I also try different OC settings, but no success.

If I put other strings, this card start working again, but with lower hashrate ( about 20mh/s )

What`s the problem ? Can anybody help me with new strings ?

I can upload here stock bios and mod bios ...

P.S : I see on forums users who get 25 mh/s with this cards, but I dont think is possible in these days, with this DAG size .
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