Lets "Clear the Air"
I went in half, on a few raffle tickets with him a while back and we won. He sold the winnings and now has a balance due with me.
I knocked some off for the ticket.
Killyou72 or Killyou73 isnt my brother. Im not KY or an alt of his, We exchange words from time to time , he trolls me ....I dont know why but he's a dick for that. We however do have a good business standpoint FWIW.
As for him "tailing" me I do not have answers for that. I personally think hes trying to be helpful as he was when I first ventured into collectibles this year.
He's condescending but helpful.
If its that big of a deal just delete my spot(no worry) fwiw i see people buying private spots in auctions all the time without even a TXID or question asked why does Killyou get scrutinized by the community so much here? What am I missing?
Auctions are different. TXid's are not required to be public. But, yes, you are right, nothing is
required to be public, however, when someone posts something that appears to be meant for use with a different account they own, we get suspicious. (And all the following around - BTW, he merited you 39 merits for this post? What the fuck? That right there leads me to believe you know each other in real life at the very least.
You would really have to know KY's history here to understand, however, I'm not going to explain things to you that you could find for yourself by simply going through his post history.
1 year ago, KY could not demonstrate basic math skills. Now he acts like a calculator-wizard. Did he suddenly take 4 years of Remedial English and Math or something?
Anyhow, I don't really give any f*cks, I just thought it was funny cuz even his first excuse he gave made no sense. Either way, he's not doing you any favors, that is for sure.
Cheers and good luck on the raffle KY.