You got them dolphriends! Thank you & Good luck
oh shit, one last slot? If so, i'll take it?
Awaiting confirmation from Mr. RaffleMan.....
Sorry owl, I had made a small mistake meaning there were only 3 tickets remaining
, next time!
We are full and ready to roll!
The following blocks will determine the winners:
#529105 - "9" - dolphriends, Congratz!
#529106 - "8" - dolphriends, Congratz!
#529107 - "7" - dolphriends, Congratz!
#529108 - "5" - dolphriends, Congratz!
#529109 - "3" - dolphriends, Congratz!
#529110 - "d" - dolphriends, Congratz!
#529111 - "
Best of luck to you all! Make sure to pick your main raffle tickets so we can get that rolling ASAP!