Not sure what you mean by "legit", but many commission/referral-based MLM scams go out of their way to pretend they're legit while there is no feasible way for the lower levels to ever make money. That's very different from an actual legit wage-based business where everyone makes money, with some making more than others. Let's not muddy the waters.
Multi-level-Marketing is a business for people who wants to attain a better quality life; you can start with a lowest investment, example is Avon. People can earn through direct selling. Building your own team, and by teaching your sales team members to duplicate your efforts can make them leaders.
This article sums up my thoughts about MLM:
Is Network Marketing Just a Scam?Network marketing is a legitimate business. First, it's based on providing people with real, legitimate products they need and want at a fair price. While some people do make a lot of money through network marketing, their financial benefit is always the result of their own dedicated efforts in building an organization that sells real products and services.
Pyramids are illegal and are based on taking advantage of people. For a person to actually make money in a pyramid scheme, someone else has to lose money. But in network marketing, each person can multiply his or her efforts, skills and talents by helping others be successful. Network marketing has proved itself as part of the new economy and a preferred way to do business here and around the world.
Network marketing isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Of course some people do make large amounts of money very quickly. Many would say those people are lucky. But success in networking isn't based on luck. (Unfortunately, money won't sprout wings and fly into your bank account no matter what someone has promised you.) Success in network marketing is based on following some very basic yet dynamic principles.
Now let's discuss what network marketing is. Network marketing is a serious business for serious people. It's a proven system where the design, creation and expense the corporate team has gone through becomes a road map for your own success. Just follow the simple, proven and duplicable system that the good companies provide.
I know we cannot save everyone, and it is his or her choice, I have so much hope for humanity