
Topic: Rank composition by Forum Structure - Where a Rank gets sMerit from (Read 211 times)

Activity: 2338
Merit: 10802
There are lies, damned lies and statistics. MTwain
Here is another breakdown of sMerit sent during the period going from 24/01/2018 through to 23/03/2018. This time, my focus is on crossing rank with forum structure and merited messages. The novelty is crossing the information with rank, since forum structure has been analyzed before.

The data only relates to users involved in a sMerit transaction, so users who have neither sent nor received sMerit are not part of the scope of study.

Note: Rank is the current Rank of each user (at time of data extraction).

I have performed two complementary exercises:

a)- Rank Composition: Depicts a bird's eye view of how each main Forum Category contributes to the Rank being analysed. We could consider it as a profile photo of the average user in the Rank (although who really fits the average of any statistical categorization?  Wink). This is done from the receiver's side (not the senders).

b)- Top 10 forums/subforums that contribute to a Rank's sMerit awarded total amount: It's a drill-down of the previous exercise, so as to see specific Forum Names that contribute most to each Rank.

It goes without saying that the analysis is objective and numerical, and does not dig any further into the whos and whys.

1- Global Summary:

Local Boards add up to 34,21% of total awarded sMerit, and Bitcoin (of all) has the least with only 8,57%. Another 4,23% corresponds to deleted or unmatchable posts.

2- Rank Composition:

Founder's sMerit comes from the Bitcoin Section, while Administrator's is basically originated in the Other Section.

Global Moderator's sMerit comes from the Other Section, while Staff's is originated largely in both the Local Section and Bitcoin Section.

VIP's sMerit comes mainly from the Bitcoin Section, while Donator's is of a rather heterogeneous nature.

Copper's sMerit origin is rather well distributed, being weaker in the Local Boards. Legendary on the other hand has the Bitcoin section as it's weakest.

Heros's sMerit origin is rather well distributed, being weaker in the Bitcoin Boards. Sr. Members gain nearly half of the merit on the Local Boards.

Full Members and Members have a rather similar profile, having less than 3 point differences on all Forum Sections.

Jr. Members resemble Members, while Newbies are very strong in the Alternate Cryptocurrencies Section (due to the Ann forums).

Brand New is a weird exception: sMerit originates in deleted posts, so it looks like purchased accounts that deleted all posts but maintained sMerit.

2- Top 10 Forums per Rank (received sMerit):

There's a wide variety of Forums involved in the Top 10 Forums that receive sMerit per rank. For example, Meta is where 95,15% of sMerit is awarded to Administrators (not a surprise), and top for Moderators and Copper Members.

Legendary is favoured by Economics, Ann, Meta and Marketplace, similar to Heroe Members where we also see Local Language forums as important.

Sr. Members, Full Members and Members too have a large part due to Local Language forums (Russian, Turkish, Indonesian and French).

Jr. Members have a large component originated in Ann as well as Local Language forums, while Newbies are much more awarded in the Ann forums.

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