If you are still waiting for your unconfirmed transaction to confirm please let me confirm it for you using Rapid Accelerator!
Simply comment transaction ID to start! Post tip transaction if you made a tip for faster confirmation.
I use free and paid accelerators, if you give tip I will confirm transaction faster with paid accelerator.
BTC: 1H22BvzMsJzTk1HFwm3VffihR52ajjArcs
USD PAX: 0x55cd67359aFC9C758C869BdcECc8efEb77aD8a0b
BCH: qr62hcmlg5ze4w4n2epashc9pwj9nzrwmu3y36rv9h\
ETH: 0x55cd67359aFC9C758C869BdcECc8efEb77aD8a0b