You should run that in the bfgminer folder
Which in your case happen to be ~/bfgminer, so you should use this:
Instead of this:
The "proper" way to do it would be to:
pi@raspebrrypi:~ $ cd bfgminer
pi@raspebrrypi:~/bfgminer $ ./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u Weblogin.WorkerName -p WorkerPassword
You have to change
Weblogin.WorkerName to your login data found on the
My Account / My Workers area. For example:
-u desci.1 -p x
So the full command for me would be:
pi@raspebrrypi:~ $ ./bfgminer/bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u desci.1 -p x
If bfgminer is actually installed in the system, however, you should run it
without the leading dot and slash, like so:
pi@raspebrrypi:~ $ bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u desci.1 -p x