sleep 10
/usr/bin/screen -dmS miner /opt/minepeon/bin/bfgminer --http-port 8330 -S all -c /opt/minepeon/etc/miner.conf
In the blade configure page ( you have to point the Blade to the minpeon IP in the "server address" line on the config page. You enter this twice, like ","
The port entry would be "8330,8330"
The port # you use here needs to be the port# you entered in the minepeon config line.
You need a passwd, like "Blade1:none,Blade1:none" Each blade needs it's own passwd, I use blade1 blade 2 and so on.
All good advice, but he's still running two interfaces, which I'm not sure works. I don't know how bfgminer deals with two IP addresses, if it listens on all IPs or just the one it's got internet access on. Slush's proxy would work OK in this instance, because it DOES listen on multiple IPs.