There it is:
IOTA 10%
Elixir 20%
Electroneum 20%
PRL 20%
SONM 10%
I'm also looking at Spectrecoin , Verge, Stellar and REQ.
Any opinions on the matter if it's a good investment would be very helpful. Thanks.
Why did you pick these coins? Which criteria did you use? What’s your goal? If you’ve done your research on these coins then great! You picked the right portfolio for you. Personally, it’s a bit too high risk for me and I’m really not a fan of xvg (lots of fud), elixir (so many problems) and xspec (gets shilled way too much around here).
FUD or not FUD, $.10 XVG is a GREAT buy. There's no reason this coin can't reach $1 anytime soon. Personally, I love the FUD. Everytime the price drops, I buy. Then, when they have some sort of news, it shoots back up. I've been collecting completely free verge for a few weeks now because of this.