we don't know what you do to come up with these numbers
No, you don't. Trading system information is considered proprietary in the markets. If I gave out the basis of my systems to everyone they would quickly stop working as everyone used them with tweaks to front-run all the others. Working systems tend not to last forever. Working systems whose mechanics are released into the wild tend not to work past the end of the week. You can choose to ignore the systems, or you can look at track record to assess. This is how it's done in the real world. Welcome to Wall Street, Bitcoin.
Actually this is false and that is not how it's done in the real world. Furthermore, as I've stated, I'm not asking for the details of how you make predictions - I'm asking for the general method. My website uses neural networks to make predictions. What do you use to make predictions?
Furthermore, if you don't make posts in set time intervals that are always 100% the same, then your predictions are meaningless and wrong. You can post anything and be correct if your next post comes at the right time.
And even furthermore, literally every single one of the predictions you have made has involved the higher probability price movement occurring, which is actually extremely improbable, meaning that the percent chances that you are giving are actually inaccurate. It's like if you say there is a 60% chance of x being true when you randomize its value to true or false, and you do this 100 times and it is true every time, you were almost definitely wrong in initially saying there was a 60% chance of x being true.