R-Bit (RBIT)
Get Passive Income through our Arbitrage Profits!
R-Bit gives users access to a fully operational service that gives users variety in the way they trade and less risk when trading cryptocurrencies on exchanges. R-Bit’s service to its token holders is based on arbitrage. So, what does this mean? The definition of Arbitrage is: the simultaneous buying and selling of currency in different markets to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset. R-Bit is simultaneously buying and selling bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrencies in different markets to take advantage of the differing prices for the same assets.
Consistent ProfitsHow easy is it to make profits with R-Bit? Simply hold the RBIT token in your wallet. To this day R-Bit’s algorithm is bringing in returns averaging 20.5% per month. These returns were achieved consistently over 15 weeks of live testing. 100% of all profits will be distributed among RBIT Token holders each month.
Risk ManagementThe cryptocurrency market is notoriously risky. R-Bit minimizes that risk. All trades are executed within seconds and do not depend on market direction. Previous and current market data are used in conjunction with the algorithm to increase the likelihood that every trade has a positive outcome
R-Bit PotentialR-Bit’s platform is built to accommodate growth and based on the way the cryptocurrency market is currently growing the RBIT token could potentially be traded for much more than $0.15 USD per token. R-Bit has already arranged for the RBIT Token to be traded on multiple exchanges immediately after the token sale but once traded the R-Bit platform will continue to grow and will hopefully give all future cryptocurrency enthusiasts access to the service
R-Bit’s Arbitrage Algorithm was developed to profit in any market condition. R-Bit’s team describes the algorithm as a bridge. A bridge connects two land masses and if the bridge were to break then no one would be able to travel back and forth. The R-Bit algorithm can be looked at in the same way. It connects exchanges to where profits can be made by buying on the exchange with the lower price and selling on the exchange with the higher price.
All you have to do is invest $25 or more! We GUARANTEE that you will triple your money within 4 months.
Purchase RBIT tokens today and get a 50% bonus with your purchase by using coupon code 83622!! This ends on April 20th. Also if you purchase your tokens with this coupon code you will receive your first profit share on April 20th. IN TWO DAYS!!!!
R-Bit is taking off and we want you to be a part of this amazing project while you have the chance. With 2 weeks finished in R-Bit's pre-sale and still 2 weeks remaining before the ICO sale starts R-Bit has already raised over $600,000 USD. R-Bit has already given out their first profit share and the next profit share will be on April 20th.
R-Bit has a coupon code that can be used by you when purchasing RBIT tokens where you will receive a 50% bonus of RBIT tokens with your purchase.
https://discord.gg/kyYSgM7Become a part of R-Bit today and benefit tremendously. With only a $25 purchase of RBIT tokens you will have doubled your money within 2 months.