Does anyone know who I can email about it then?
Transactions don't vary nearly as much as blocks, it's pretty easy to look at that chart and see it's working... but blocks it's not possible... I'd think that since the difficulty just went up there would be less blocks per hour so the propagation time would go up?
I wasn't running my nodes on the 23rd... just mar 4th to mar 8th, mar 12th, most of mar 19, 20, and 21st & shut right after midnight. Started back up with a few modifications right after the midnight, probably sometime between 12:00 and 1AM on the 24th.
Need average block sizes, and the propagation times in relation to those avg block sizes
probably for transactions, too
ed: it looks like they may even slow block distribution down, somewhere between 75 and 90 percentile.. possibly due to hundreds of clients queueing for block from my server?