Yeah except its really not future technology in spite of your relativism and demands he must be speaking of the very specific type of model you were thinking of in your head but only later mentioned when called out on it then and insisted this could be the only way.
So bad faith it is then.
Yes you've just heard the dumbest idea you'll hear in a long time. Not worth reading the stupid thing. See, somehow in the USA green libtards are all anti-nuclear, which one of the few redeeming things about France, is that France is pro-nuclear.
Well nuclear helped the country a lot. Nuclear is the reason why France is still a great power both warfare (nuclear submarines and atomic bomb) and civil (
relative energetic independance). So nuclear is quite loved here.
Still anyone with a brain understands it's not a long term solution and most "good" candidates (by good I mean not bankers) have parts of their programs dedicated to nuclear crash. But all of them include more fundings towards next generation of nuclear plants cause that's a fucking amazing source of energy. First country to get fusion will be the king of the world.
Here, they'll lie and duck and dodge about the matter, but it's basically just plain true to say Green == anti-nuclear. Side note: I always have suspected that was due to back door funding of our Dems from Saudi oil interests, since it was rational that to the extent America went off nuclear, we went on oil ( eg Saudi oil).
Aren't Saudi oil money fueiling all parties in USA?