If I can put it this way.
I'm not saying capitalism or any ism it bad (or good). However the current system makes a kind of idol/worship out of the large companies and thier CEO's, people aspire to be these people they are held out to be the wunderkind, the rich the successful.
Having read the biography's of some of them, it seems indeed they were exceptional people, but there was a lot of luck involved as well.
In short the large companies are one of the signifier of the benefit and affirmation of the governments that habour them and construct the conditions to see them come to fruition. They are the evidence of the need for the structures of govt to regulate and the rational of the quid pro quo of government intervention/legislation.
BTC comes along without any of this and very publicly, by orders of magnitude shows another way, that when given the instruments, the masses can actually not only choose for themselves but do a far better job at it, than any monolithic government or corporation could ever achieve.
This may cause some serious questions to dawn on minds that have only had one way traffic of you need the centralized government for the benefits they confers. Some of the purported benefits will not seem to be quite so sure.