And it's reported to be created by again, the North Korean hackers group which is state sponsored. This time, the target is software developers with a fake interview. The threat actor will ask this developers to download and execute a code and once it's install in your personal machine or laptop, it will extract information including Bitcoin and Ethereum Private keys.
Here are the snippets of the code:
Initially though it seems that the North Koreans are targeting Japan, nevertheless we all know that they have attack a lot this year, even the latest Crypto exchange DMM Bitcoin Suffers $305M Hack.
So if you are a software developer, you need to be very careful about certain individuals asking you to download before the job interview as it might contain a malware that steals our crypto wallet.
This is uncalled for, i don't know what they stand to get from cheating on others, those who are genuinely seeking for job ended being a scam victim, my advise on this is that we should not use of devise which contains the wallet we uses for internet connection or running of any other activities that requires internet connectivity or a program, this is just to help maintain a secured environment over the use of wallet and our crypto asset, that is why most will prefer using a wallet on an air-gapped device, its part of taking a security measures against any related forms of attacks.