⭐️Real estate tokenization offers real asset liquidity by breaking up the value of a property into smaller tokenized chunks encrypted with ownership details.
☁️Within the DBX Ecosystem, you can tokenize assets at low costs, on a secure, fast, and eco-friendly blockchain.
🔔What you get:
For Real estate developers: 📎Stabilize your budget with a stable currency; Attract investments from all over the world, and easily sell your property, etc.
For Real estate agencies: 📎Create investment opportunities, create a simple tool for selling property; a stable budget with a stable currency, etc.
For Management companies: 📎Create value by turning each object into a digital token with its own value, Stable budget with a stable currency, etc.
Join the DBX Ecosystem and utilize a fully decentralized solution that allows you to save up to 30% on transactional costs‼️
https://dbx.so/tokenization/real-estate/ 👈