I find this to be a load of bs. I never heard a gambler / betting man say "had to make french fries and learn knitting... there was just not enough time to place my bet!" cmon...
Well, it makes sense if you think from the casual gamblers' perspective, i.e., those who play on their mobile phone. It's just like a mobile game where you open it when you need to waste some time.
Might be better if you add a poll in your thread here and see what we got combining that number and what the poll would got?
Nice idea mate, next time!
However, it is worth noting that it is a national finding, in Ireland to be specific. It therefore reflects the gambling situation only in Ireland. It could be very different in other countries.
Yea, but they claim the results were similar worldwide.
Conclusions: Online gamblers in Ireland share similar behavioural profiles to online gamblers in the United Kingdom
and worldwide. The majority of participants in this research have been adversely affected from both a mental and
financial perspective due to their gambling behaviours.
It is obvious also that people are gambling either online of offline because they want to win money so for those who are saying "they are gambling just for fun",
Enjoyment is number 2
I think the "running out of money" option is the number 2
It is
number 4 actually...
Sticking to basics i can clearly confirm that people who do not gamble voted gambling as a time wasting activity because it it is not so.
Sorry for my bad English. What I mean by time-wasting activity is not something bad, but to kill time when you are waiting or idling. Mobile games are one of the closest examples of this kind of activity.
Waiting sucks! I'd rather gamble than doing nothing for more than 30 minutes.