what if I only have the seed and switch my wallet to Sparrow,
Take note that the seed phrase generated by electrum can't be imported to sparrow wallet directly. Electrum generates the seed phrase using its own algorithm and you can only import BIP39 seed phrase in sparrow.
If you want to import your electrum wallet to sparrow, you should import your wallet file.
I create my seed myself on an AirGap computer, which I find to be the safest method.
(I'm a bit paranoid about stuff like that)
what if I only have the seed and switch my wallet to Sparrow,
I could imagine that some addresses are not displayed, how do I make these addresses visible on another wallet if i only have the seed?
How does it work with a Watch Only address, do I just need to insert the xPub and then i can see all the coins from every receiving and change address that come from this xPub?
Sparrow wallet has an "
Addresses" tab where the change and receiving addresses are listed.
You can change the gap limit in "
Settings->Advanced->Gap limit" to view more in case it isn't synced.
For watching-only, it depends on the master key imported to create the watch-only wallet,
but mostly all, including electrum, the 'xPub' is the "
account extended public key" so it should be able to derive both the receiving and change addresses.
Thanks for the tip about the gap limit.
Which xPub do I have to insert ?
BIP32 root key
Account Extended Private Key
BIP32 Extended Private Key
I think it's the BIP32 Extended Private Key because that's where the addresses are generated, right?
That's not true, with BIP32 I would only see the receiving or change address, so I would have to insert the Account xPub.
So I would see both.
what if I only have the seed and switch my wallet to Sparrow,
I could imagine that some addresses are not displayed, how do I make these addresses visible on another wallet if i only have the seed?
How does it work with a Watch Only address, do I just need to insert the xPub and then i can see all the coins from every receiving and change address that come from this xPub?
Sparrow wallet has an "
Addresses" tab where the change and receiving addresses are listed.
You can change the gap limit in "
Settings->Advanced->Gap limit" to view more in case it isn't synced.
For watching-only, it depends on the master key imported to create the watch-only wallet,
but mostly all, including electrum, the 'xPub' is the "
account extended public key" so it should be able to derive both the receiving and change addresses.
Are the addresses always created automatically in sequence?
m/44'/0'/0'/0 / 1
m/44'/0'/0'/0 / 2
m/44'/0'/0'/0 / 3
m/44'/0'/0'/0 / 4
m/44'/0'/0'/0 / 5
or are they created in a jumble?