Robin Williams: I give up, why?
Hal Finney: Because Oct 31 == Dec 25! Get it! Because...
Robin Williams: God, can we get somebody else funnier up here?
God: It'll be awhile, but perhaps I can help botch up some minor procedure.
Joan Rivers: Like what the fuck! There must be some mistake.
Robin Williams: No mistake, Joany Baby. We're all in heaven.
Hal Finney: Joan, you want to hear a joke?
Joan Rivers: Who's the nerdy looking guy, your manager?
Hal Finney: No, that's Robin Will...
Joan Rivers: I was talkin' to Robin.
Robin Williams: That's Hal Finney, the Bitcoin dude.
He's still denying that he's not Satoshi. Anyway, us three get to hang out together until we get our wings, then...
Joan Rivers: Who the fuck's in charge here?
Robin Williams: That'll be the big guy, but I suggest toning down the colorful metaphors a tad, otherwise...
Hal Finney: Metaphors, that reminds me of a joke. Why to butterflies...
Joan Rivers: Great! Until I get my wings, I'm stuck here with a coward and a Popsicle.
Robin Williams: Who you callin' a coward? Besides, I'm now stuck with a couple Twinkies.
Hal Finney: Yeah, well at least one of us three is gettin' outta this place and returnin' home.
God: Ha, ha, ha!!! Good one, Hal.
Robin Williams: Here's a joke for you, Hal. How big are God's balls?
Joan Rivers: WTF! I've only been up here a few minutes and already I have to fill in for Johnny Carson. Is this a joke?
God: No joke, Joan. Johnny is scheduled to play 10,000,000,000 rounds of golf with George Burns and Groucho Marx. Robin and Hal will be your featured guess for the next...
Hal Finney: 10,000,000,000... That's 10 to the...
Robin Williams: Hal, it ain't nice to interrupt God... Golf!? Fuckin' Scots!
Hal Finney: Actually, Robin, according to Wikipedia, of which, BTW, now accepts bitcoin donations, golf was invented by the Romans with a game called paganica consisting of a ball filled with feathers...
Joan Rivers: Can we talk? Speaking of feathers, let's get to God's version of NBC Studios so that we can get our wings as soon as possible. Hal, try to keep up.
Robin Williams: Joan, that was cold... Like a Popsicle.
Hal Finney: I give up! How big are God's balls?
Joan Rivers: Is that Redd Foxx over there? Sure the hell is!
Robin Williams: Pretty Goddamn big!