The Time Pyramid
Are you curious about new ways to multiply your coins but are tired of trying to understand the rules of all those coin games? This is about keeping it simple and safe.
"The Time Pyramid" is the way to double your ETH.
It's simple, fair and because of it's novel concept it's about to last.
This one is different than the others.
Why? Because only one person is allowed to enter every 12 hours.
You have to set your alarm clock, mark your calendar and do your best to be the one to invest, because many people will try to do so.
How does it work?You send any amount between 1 ETH up to 50 ETH to the specific ethereum contract address. It pays you back
double the amount.
If someone already invested in the last 12 hours, the ETH are returned to you.
How to play?1. You send any amount of ETH between
1 ETH and
50 ETH to the game's address:
0xa864694cACDf27900aFB3c32b1B07Aea3C465dDe (if you accidentally send more than 50 ETH it will automatically return to you, so don't try to trick the system)
2. Automatically you get what you invested
+100% additional ETH. The coins are sent to the same address from which you invested.
3. You get your coins after other people deposit, so the more people are playing the game, the faster you are getting your coins. Make sure to spread the word!
4. You can see all the stats of the game (number of transactions, number of ETH that went thrught the game, number of players) here:
http://goo.gl/oRnlQ2What is this?This is so called pyramid scheme or ponzi. It is fully automated ethereum contract that let's you multiply your coins.
Another ponzi? Why would I need another pozi?Well, recently many ponzis were launched here and all over the web. People did't know which one to chose. Some were opting for the old ones, but they had huge walls that were hard to crush. The others preferred the new ones, that were giving quick and high payouts, but they were so many of them, that they quickly went into oblivion. There was voice in the community to create one pyramid that all of us would agree would be the one that we use. This had to be fair, safe and had rules that are easy to understand. That's why I picked one of the most popular contracts here and decided to make it work.
Is it safe?The game runs on so called Ethereum contract. It means it's easy to verify that it is fair. Game designer does not have access to the funds and can not change anything in the game after it stared (he relies only on standard 10% game's profit fee). Everything happens automatically. This is the simplest and quickest ETH game out there. You can see the code by fourself here:
http://goo.gl/oRnlQ2Why 200%? Why 50 ETH limit?Those parameters were characterising one of the first and most popular ethereum pyramid schemes. This is best compromise between risk and potential gains. Doubling your money is pretty decent reward. Games that triple or quadruple your payout make you wait for it too long. Games that give you less are not that attractive for most players. 50 ETH limit helps preventing building walls. Don't send more than 50 ETH because it's going to be returned to you anyway.
Hey, why there is a fee?Couple of days ago 10% was a standard and most popular fee. It all changed later when someone launched no fee ponzi. After that all the scams started to happen. Some might say having no fee is better than having a fee but remember fee is something that would give author of the contract actually an incentive and motivation to promote it. Lots of pyramids were left alone only because the authors didn't get anything back from them. If there is a fee like here, I actually have motivation to promote the game, since the fee gives me small profit. I chose height of the fee that seemed to be the most popular one on this board. Also, note that the fee does not in any way influence the amount of ETH you are getting back. You are getting paid as promised.
Why there is a time limit?You can not send your ETH to the contract (it will be returned to you) until 12 hours have passed from last entrance. This is to protect players from creating huge walls and to make game last.
How can I help?Post link to this pyramid wherever you can. And of course PLAY, make profit and help keeping the things running.
Actually this one is really smart. It will be hard to make it stuck. And everyone will try to be the one lucky person to deposit after 12 hours.