when will that be? you think people will want to buy BTC in an economic collapse? why would they?
I genuinely think it will be in the first quarter of this year, the signs are already there, if they somehow keep it going maybe later, but definitely this year, as far buying Bitcoin when they see they prices and how well it's working despite the complete fuck up by the financial sector, in a crisis, do you really think they're going to give a shit? If it holds its value then they'll want it, no matter how much people trash talk now I can guarantee you they'll dump paper money if they're feeling betrayed enough since they've already listened to the lies of central banks once before and that's working out oh so well for them.
It's these things called capital flight and wealth transfer, even if they don't necessarily all buy Bitcoin you can bet some of the smarter ones will want to diversify especially if they're thinking of leaving the country since Bitcoin will be easier to get out of there than gold or silver. When a country is on the verge of economic collapse they get extremely desperate which is why you're seeing all these ridiculous controls and regulations in place not only for Bitcoin but for general trade and taxation, the U.S is showing all the signs as well as the Euro zone.