I finally did this and it took 1 second to show the password lol.
I used this guide from an old post;
I used this repo instead because it supports python3: https://github.com/3rdIteration/btcrecover
Step 0.) Install python
Step 1.) Download BTCRecover from Github: (https://github.com/3rdIteration/btcrecover)
Step 2.) Extract the files to your Desktop, now you should have a folder named "btcrecover-master" on your Desktop
Step 3.) Create a new .txt-file on your Desktop and name it tokens.txt - Open the tokens.txt and write this in it: %6P then put the tokens.txt into the "btcrecover-master" folder (instead I used a list of known passwords in the tokens.txt file)
Step 4.) Make a Copy of your Wallet.dat and copy it in the btcrecover-master folder - Now you have your tokens.txt and your Wallet.dat in the btcrecover-master folder.
Step 5.) Open the command prompt, now you should see this: "C:\Users\XYZ" type here now: "cd desktop" than "cd btcrecover-master" now it should look like this: "C:\Users\XYZ\Desktop\btcrecover-master>"
Step 6.) Ok, last Step, type this into the commend prompt: "C:\python27\python btcrecover.py --wallet wallet.dat --no-dupchecks --tokenlist tokens.txt"
Step 7.) Wait for btcrecover to crack your password