Can the password in the dat file become malformed or garbled ?
The password is not "stored" in the .dat file... the data in the .dat file is encrypted using the password as a key.
This error is indicating that the "old" passphrase entered in the "Enter Passphrase" textbox is incorrect
This error is indicating that the two passphrases entered in the "new passphrase" and "repeat new passphrase" boxes are not the same.
I suggest that you tick the "show passphrase" box and doublecheck that the passphrases that are being entered are correct...
If it was incorrect would it assert that my change of the phrases do not match? its handing it off to the next step to change so it was accepted but then declines the change... its 2 messages and occurs when i delete a space from the recovery , which i am told is outside the scope of the other co and is a core matter.
It is indeed a 2-step process...
Step 1.
- Compare the text entered in the "new passphrase" and "repeat new passphrase" textboxes.
- If "new passphrase" == "repeat new passphrase", then continue to Step 2.
- Else show "The supplied passphrases do not match" error
Step 2.
- Attempt to decrypt wallet using text from "enter passphrase" textbox as the key
- If decryption is successful, then encrypt wallet using new encryption password (using text from "new passphrase" as the key)
- Else show "The password entered for wallet decryption was incorrect" error