Okay update. I made a new wallet on Ledger Nano S with a new seed and I got the xpub key from Ledger Live. I ran seedrecover.py by taking out one word from the seed and it couldn't find it, so perhaps I did miswrite something in the original. Not sure why seedrecover.py isn't working properly.
Apologies for that!
You also need to specify a non-default derivation path... as seedrecovery defaults to m/44'/0'/0'/0 and you need m/49'/0'/0'/0
So, I just ran a quick test using a 24 word seed generated on Ian Coleman's mnemonic code converter.
m/49'/0'/0'/0/1 3KRsYk5aQVPELD8x6MCDDJLb5EPsZr7bvZ
m/49'/0'/0'/0/2 37g3kfip54i91YSS9KSPhQkaFPxr95unfB
m/49'/0'/0'/0/3 38p4SgCkDNGRjWNzUmZyoaAEejbsfvHgkj
m/49'/0'/0'/0/4 31wz2V9aRvSn4zmQGSxTdEuwoyHSQikPHb
Gives this output:
Starting seedrecover 0.7.3, btcrecover 0.17.10 on Python 2.7.15 64-bit, 16-bit unicodes, 32-bit ints
terminal does not support UTF; mnemonics with non-ASCII chars might not work
Please enter your best guess for your mnemonic (seed)
> version vanish add search lucky polar buddy wasp image trophy educate rubber tell control crystal rude letter erosion thank advance magnet veteran buddy
Using the 'en' wordlist.
Seed sentence was too short, inserting 1 word into each guess.
Phase 1/3: up to 2 mistakes, excluding entirely different seed words.
Not enough entirely different seed words permitted; skipping this phase.
Seed not found
Phase 2/3: 1 mistake which can be an entirely different seed word.
Using 4 worker threads
20695 of 49129 [################-----------------------] 0:00:00, ETA: 0:00:00
Seed found: version vanish add search lucky polar buddy wasp image trophy bright educate rubber tell control crystal rude letter erosion thank advance magnet veteran buddy
Addtionally, you *might* actually be able to also use the "xpub" from Ledger Live instead of using addresses... Out of curiosity, I ran a quick test that seems to indicate it will work OK
Starting seedrecover 0.7.3, btcrecover 0.17.10 on Python 2.7.15 64-bit, 16-bit unicodes, 32-bit ints
terminal does not support UTF; mnemonics with non-ASCII chars might not work
Please enter your best guess for your mnemonic (seed)
> version vanish add search lucky polar buddy wasp image trophy educate rubber tell control crystal rude letter erosion thank advance magnet veteran buddy
xpub depth: 3
xpub fingerprint: D04C4361
xpub child #: 0'
Using the 'en' wordlist.
Seed sentence was too short, inserting 1 word into each guess.
Phase 1/3: up to 2 mistakes, excluding entirely different seed words.
Not enough entirely different seed words permitted; skipping this phase.
Seed not found
Phase 2/3: 1 mistake which can be an entirely different seed word.
Using 4 worker threads
20695 of 49129 [################-----------------------] 0:00:00, ETA: 0:00:00
Seed found: version vanish add search lucky polar buddy wasp image trophy bright educate rubber tell control crystal rude letter erosion thank advance magnet veteran buddy
NOTE: For this test, I used the "Account Extended Public Key" ypub from the BIP49 tab on Ian Coleman, and ran it through the converter here: https://jlopp.github.io/xpub-converter/ to convert to an the xpub. (The xpub from Ian Coleman BIP44 tab is actually different and didn't work). However, this converter seems to supply the same "xpub" that Ledger Live provides... which would imply that Ledger Live is doing a similar ypub to xpub conversion.
Good Luck!
You sir are a legend! I don't know what happened but I wrote animal instead of annual. Silly me. Please send BTC address so I can reward you.