Is there anything we can do to stop this ?
Short term, promote a culture of non-compliance. Don't just accept red/black coin, don't even check the colour lists. Don't do business with businesses that do check. Don't re-use addresses. Use anonymity enhancing tools like CoinJoin and CoinSwap. These are only possible right now on an ad hoc basis, you've gotta write the transaction script yourself (as well as recruit people to do the transacting with). Automated tools, wallets and services for CJ and CS will arrive with time.
Long term, there is already discussions of adding further cryptographic features to Bitcoin so that addresses (and maybe transactions too) are secret, but the blockchain is still public. Another more extreme option would be fully secret blockchain, but still provably non-inflationary and proof-of-payment capable. Don't ask how this contradiction can be resolved, but it apparently could. Nothing better than a "what if" right now, the expert developers confirm it can be done, but the details probably haven't even been considered yet.
I don't know, we've had a long run of pretty much exclusively positive ground gained, and we've built up a huge amount of utility, value, understanding, and consequently, belief. This could evolve into the first significant setback, but only if people comply. It hasn't even happened yet. Everyone at the main hubs of the Bitcoin community really dislike this, we're not being "protected", we're being subjected to a protection racket. I expect significant resistance from the majority, in all the forms outlined as in my proposed short term solutions. That will help to buy time to come up with a something to help kill the tainting and listings dead.
This really is a great endorsement for the strength of the Satoshi model; in 4 years, the best attempt at coming up with a way to put the reins on Bitcoin could take many, many more months to start to bite. And this will be US centric, easily the least popular political force on the planet in the 21st Century. I think this is bad news mainly for America and Americans, nearly every country on every other continent will provide for those that want to resist the lists.