I have modminer quads and found when experimenting with bfgminer and cgminer it required the modminer to reboot when switching so I rigged the relays up to the Pi and modminer quad and some GPU rigs.
I'm going to have to add some more power feeds in though for a new GPU rig as it'll be pulling close to the max output of a single plug at the wall soon.
Really handy when you're remotely tweaking and hard crash a system. Set the bios on the system to power on when there's a power outage so when you witch it back on it starts up again.
Interesting. could i get a relay board to control ATX switch? One that doesn't require doing sorcery with breadboards or soldering? Hardware noob here.
If the mining devices are powered by an ATX, then the jumper to be shorted could be controlled thru a relay.
Apologies to OP for going off topic.
You could do that but then you could also just plug the atx psu into a socket controlled by the relay, less hassle that way. The beauty of that board is that it's got ethernet on it so you can control it from anywhere as long as you have internet access. I would think that you could rig up a way to use it via sms text too.
I have some simple scripts on two ups connected servers which will control all of them automatically and manually.