PrefaceThe current state of the boards that I frequent—that being Meta and Reputation—have started developing metastatic growths. The egregious decay thereof brings a nauseating miasma of dread to my mind. For this trepidation to cease, there is a crucial obligation that must be followed by all.
CurrentfaceIngrained into our internet culture was a phrase echoed throughout the plethora of websites:
don't feed the troll.
Each bump renews the lifespan of the thread.
Each bump renews the attention of the troll.
Each bump renews the opportunity for recursion.
An incontinent approach to dealing with those that are bloating the forum with droves of threads is that of a response. Retort I: What about the signature spammers?
What about them?Signature spam encompasses the forum across all boards, perhaps with the exception being larger Scam Accusation threads and the Technical Discussion board. The key difference between the response of a signature spammer and that of someone with a personal stake is just that: the former has no formal investment in the situation.
Spammers do not bring forth a pleasure of serendipitous schadenfreude. Trolls gain nothing (apart from visibility of their threads) from spammers writing a generic reply in response.
To bring forth virility in the form of a response to those that you despise is a pathetic self-immolating sacrifice.Retort II: What about thread hijacking?
What about it?Report, ignore, and continue your discussion. If you do not allow individuals to create an impact toward your forum experience then all they have done is waste money in the form of electricity and internet cost.
Aside: if they are using publicly accessible internet...
They are also trading the cost of a network connection for privacy.
You can enjoy that thought.
Let them tire themselves out.
PostfaceTo dignify irrelevancy with a response means you are simply bringing forth the irrelevance into your post. Do not respond to pointless discussion.
Do not worsen yourself or your position to engage in asinine behavior.
Think back to the old tale of
The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Let the repetitious redundancy of blanket statements, false equivalencies and bullshit continue to pulverize their position until there is but a particle of the residual reliability they have given up on restoring.