You have a few misconceptions here. This is not a betting network, this is a set of (continuously growing) derivative applications.
This is not an alt.coin, this is a set of smart contract applications/wallet that rest on top of the Bitcoin protocol. I have yet to be convinced that I have to reinvent the wheel, re: bitcoin when the wheel has yet to be driven anywhere yet.
I'm self educated - on bitcoin as I am in finance, investment and technology in general. All three topics have plethora of info available, no?
I hired programmers to whip up the java prototype (their identity is not necessary). I'm funding this entire campaign out of my pocket and have had many media appearances RT/CNBC/Fortune magazine etc. since started and (at least to my knowledge) I'm the only one to have a fully functional contracts based derivative product and p2p trading app up and running.
Thus far I have not true competition. Practically everybody else that you've named (sans goldman sachs, of course) are basically programmers who are developing platforms while I'm an investor and financial engineer developing complete end to end solutions for end users, primarily institutional, corporate and HNW end users.
My current solutions on tap (some already developed, others WIP) include:
- bail-in/bail-out solutions for sovereigns, banks and bank depositors
- interest rate arbitrage
- hard money
- capital transference/flight/protection schemes
-import/export solutions
-commercial and income producing real estate through the blockchain
- and virtual swaps (already developed and currently beta testing).
If you go through all of the competitors that you mentioned, they are primarily building platforms that may or may not allow these things. I bring a much richer, much deeper financial expertise to the the table. Something which I believe is not to be found in abundance in the developer community that we have here. I also have a tame ego that allows me to clearly see my limitations and know when I need to ask for help, which brings me to the need to get programmers who are very well versed in the protocol and contracts.
The goal is to take my financial expertise and creativity (which some consider among the best in the world) and translate it into high end coded contracts through crypto. My swaps app is proof of concept and I plan on pushing it through to finished product in two months. I will open the beta testing of the product (some of us have been live trading on it for weeks) a little more next week.
I hope I have addressed all of your questions.
For those who don't know me, here are some recent calls and my Wikipedia page: